Selecting the right music can have a huge impact on the outcome of your jump rope routine. A song with a higher BPM (125+) is usually best for practicing things that require a higher level of exertion, like double unders or speed jumping.
Jump Rope for Heart was a fundraising and event program that for years was an annual events for elementary and middle schools around the world, with thousands of schools and millions of kids participating.
The right jumping form for double unders is not terribly different from a basic bounce or single under. However, we see people struggle with double unders because they overcompensate for poor jump rope control by trying to jump higher. This leads to a few common mistakes in jump form and landing we will address in this article.
Looking for a few jump rope games to try with your PE class, jump rope team, or after-school group? Here are a few games I've found that worked well both during my time as a PE teacher and as a jump rope coach.
Jump rope is a growing sport both in the USA and around the world, with thousands of teams and athletes competing in such events as freestyle jumping, speed jumping, double under jumping and double dutch.